One hits you like a steamroller, and it leaves you grinning from ear to ear.
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Anthony T. Hincks

Rainbows just love the rain.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Worlds will collide if love has anything to do with it.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Know that if you open the lock to my heart with the key that I have given you, that it will remain there for all eternity.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Be at peace with everyone, and everything in life, and you will see why God gave you a smile.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

I'm finally at peace with the world, and with everyone in it.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

You know when a raindrop loves you because you get wet on the outside.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

It's when you're in love, that your smile shines as bright as the noonday sun.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

The love that they share is evident on both of their faces.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Without popcorn what would we do on Tuesdays, except smile?

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Even if we can't be lovers, there's no reason why we just can't be friends, is there?

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Be satisfied!

Par Anthony T. Hincks

If you don't love me, is it okay if I love you?

Par Anthony T. Hincks

A smile is the greatest weapon ever invented.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Love knows of my existence, just as I know of hers.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Sometimes, hate gives us reason to love, but love never gives us reason to hate.

Par Anthony T. Hincks