Screw the shops; I want a duty-free office.

Par Rishi Piparaiya

I dread the beginning of her new life more than words can tell, but I see some hope for her if she travels - none if she remains at home.

Par Wilkie Collins

There were signs everywhere but none that I could read or even hope to decipher. These multi-lined symbols unhinged my familiar world.

Par Gerry Abbey

Whatever yerz’re lookin’ for, I hope yerz find it. Yerz moight’ve never lost it!

Par Luke F.D. Marsden

Don't just hope, dear. Plan and do. Only reserve hope for the things you cannot control.

Par S.A. Tawks

When people ask me why I still have hope and energy after all these years, I always say: Because I travel.

Par Gloria Steinem

If you go on the road hoping to find it, you might discover you've had it with you all along. That which you seek is yourself.

Par D.C. Leberknight

Even more than a heart, hope was a necessary traveling companion.

Par Julianne Donaldson

First stop: Hope. I like the sound of that.

Par Darren Groth

If you don’t know what Bi-Costal means- we can’t be friends. I hope that explains a lot.

Par Niedria Dionne Kenny

To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive. - Tochee

Par Peter F. Hamilton

I hope time travel doesn't become a reality. Time would lose its own charm and importance.

Par Bhavik Sarkhedi

Hip-hop...has been the proverbial key that’s opened the door for me to roam this breathtaking planet.

Par Raquel Cepeda

To travel hopefully is better than to have arrived.

Par Robert Louis Stevenson

The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life.

Par Agnes Repplier