Sometimes a bus is your bus, and sometimes it ain't, and it's important that you can tell the difference.

Par Steven J. Carroll

Sometimes travel is merely an opportunity taken when you can.

Par Ian Frazier

I believe the experiences reported in this book are reproducible by anyone who wishes to try.

Par Michael Crichton

I find having your own car is like a passport to the world.

Par Gloria Whelan

...I fear their false urgency, their call to speed, their insistence that travel is less important than arrival...

Par Rebecca Solnit

Animals travel on all fours. Mankind on two. Motorcycling is not a means of transport but an ideology, a nomadic way of life.

Par Amit Reddy

Dare to seize all the opportunities on your paths.

Par Lailah Gifty Akita

Traveling equals having experiences which translate into more opportunities for exposing incorrect ideas about life.

Par David Eschenlohr

Seeing pictures of other places around the world makes me feel more important. Reminds me, even though life is short, there's so much to do.

Par Travis Jeremiah Dahnke

When you travel, there really are no mistakes--just learning opportunities.

Par Mary Casanova

The scenery doesn't necessarily improve in proportion to how far you travel or how much you spend.

Par Ron Lizzi

I don't make people smoke pot or meth, snort coke, put pills or tabs in their mouths or shoot themselves up with heroin. I just transport the stuff.

Par S.A. Tawks

There are no safe voyages and no safe ports.

Par Marty Rubin

Maybe true travel is not the transportation of the body, but a change of perception, renewing the mind.

Par Ben Okri

When you are silent on the truth, you have given a transport fare for the lie to travel and spread fast.

Par Israelmore Ayivor