Today..passes as yesterday, today is passing by... Tomorrow shall become today and that too shall pass!

Par Escapades

I nearer than I was yesterday and further than I am today, tomorrow I'll be square one.

Par Racquel McDonnell

Today, as I watched the red calico sunset behind the mill, it occurred to me how much cruelty there is at the heart of every happiness.

Par Mikhail Kuzmin

Live your life like it's your favorite book, and today is your favorite part.

Par Connor Chalfant

The memory of a past happiness is the anguish of today

Par Edgar Allan Poe

May wisdom be one of your companions today.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

May the happiness that you share today, last until tomorrow.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Depending on what choices and designs you make right at this moment for today, your day will definitely change.

Par Ilchi Lee

Cosmic Ordering is a dish best served today.

Par Stephen Richards

Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day.

Par Francis Gray

Yesterday I was sad, today I am happy! Yesterday I had a problem, today I still have the same problem! But today I changed the way I look at it!

Par C. JoyBell C.

Don't put off happiness you can have today. Tomorrow is a hope, not a promise

Par Debra Anastasia

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today.

Par Groucho Marx

The advance of regret can be so gradual that it is impossible to say "yesterday I was happy, today I am not.

Par E.M. Forster

Live Today! Do not allow your spirit to be softened of your happiness to be limited by a day you cannot have back or a day that does not yet exist.

Par Steve Maraboli