We are homeless enough in this world under the best of circumstances without going to any special effort to test our capacity to be more so.

Par Harold Edmund Stearns

There are countries of the world, and regions of one's own mind, where it is unwise to travel.

Par Chris Cleave

A (wo)men travels the world over in search of wht (s)he needs and returns home to find it

Par Barbara Magro

Whoever created the world went to a lot of trouble. It would be downright rude not to go out and see as much of it as possible.

Par Edward Readicker-Henderson

At the root of Japanese manufacturing lies a feminine delicacy and shyness as well as a childlike curiosity and fantasy-filled worldview.

Par Morinosuke Kawaguchi

This would become a lifelong pattern, sitting in my comfort zone high above the world in some sort of self-imposed exile.

Par Peggy Kopman-Owens

There are people in this world so rich that when it rains they simply fly away on private jets in search of sun.

Par Peggy Kopman-Owens

Having books standing on a shelf in a room is like having completely different worlds at the ready, waiting to be explored.

Par J.F Hermann

To travel beyond our world is to change this present one forever.

Par Steven J. Carroll

When I travel, people say ‘Yet another place in this world’. But I see ‘Another world inside every place I go

Par Vivek Thangaswamy

Travel is the best teacher. The only way to an open mind is by taking a plane out into the open world.

Par C. JoyBell C.

There are people everywhere who form a Fourth World, or a diaspora of their own.

Par Jan Morris

I travel to be replenished with beauty, for travel makes the beauty of this world seem like a Christmas that never ends.

Par Carew Papritz

I find having your own car is like a passport to the world.

Par Gloria Whelan

You can travel the world but If you cannot let go of the past, you will never move on.

Par Gerald Freeman