I'll pretty much try any cheese, but I have found that I prefer young goats and old cows. I don't like gray areas.

Par Nichole Robertson

Some people when they see cheese, chocolate or cake they don't think of calories.

Par Amit Kalantri

Freedom without happiness is like pizza without the cheese. I don't believe in it.

Par Marty Rubin

The cheese stands alone

Par Robert Cormier - i Adam Farmer i

The Cheesecake Factory is a great business model, but if you take your wife there for your 25th wedding anniversary, you might not reach your 26th.

Par Scott Adams

It is safer to search in the maze than to remain in a cheeseless situation

Par Spencer Johnson

Somehow her hula hoop had cut into the driver’s side door like the vehicle was made of cheese.

Par Nathan Reese Maher

When people change & make you feel small, I'll tuck you into my pocket & feed you cheese, until courage coaxes the tiger out of your rib cage.

Par Curtis Tyrone Jones

Meghan pushed her chocolate cheesecake across the table to me. I hadn’t gotten paid yet for November, so I had only ordered coffee. “Here,” she said.

Par E. Lockhart

Contrary to popular belief, going shopping is really about stopping afterward for cheesecake.

Par Bonnie Jensen

My mom is a black-no-sugar woman, but I basically believe in turning my coffee into cheesecake.

Par Jordan Weisman