Be the type of person that leaves seeds of happiness in every other soul you encounter.

بواسطة Avina Celeste

Love is the seed of every achievement and every happiness.

بواسطة Debasish Mridha MD

Love is the seed of every achievement and every happiness

بواسطة Debasish Mridha MD

He saw in happiness the seeds of independence, and in independence the seeds of revolt.

بواسطة Mervyn Peake

Happiness will grow if you plant the seeds of love in the garden of hope with compassion and care.

بواسطة Debasish Mridha

When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

Only Boiled Seeds are afraid of failure.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

Today is the harvest from the seeds we sowed in our yesterdays.

بواسطة Karen Budzinski

I was a veritable Johnny Appleseed of grand expectations, and all I reaped for my trouble was a harvest of bitter fruit.

بواسطة Elizabeth Gilbert

While there may be many things in life you wish to harvest not every seed you plant will grow.

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

Every risk bears with it the seeds of an opportunity: failure - success, fall - rise, and setback - come-back.


I am hopeful, I see seeds of success germinating with every failure.

بواسطة Debasish Mridha MD

I am hopeful; I see seeds of success germinating with every failure.

بواسطة Debasish Mridha MD

Plant your tiny seeds and keep watering them every day. Soon, they’ll grow.

بواسطة Israelmore Ayivor

A dream is a seed.

بواسطة Donna McGoff