True wealth, the kind that really counts, is measured in happiness, not in dollars and cents.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

You can get married for a few hundred dollars and divorced for the bulk of your assets.

بواسطة Steven Magee

If you cannot tie your marketing efforts to actual dollars that the electric company will accept, it’s time to adjust your plan.

بواسطة Amber Hurdle

To be a success, discuss ideas not idols. Focus on the possibilities of success not failure.

بواسطة Debasish Mridha MD

Even a trillion dollars is made up of cents.

بواسطة Mokokoma Mokhonoana

To be a success, discuss ideas not idols; focus on the possibilities of success not failure.

بواسطة Debasish Mridha MD

Becoming a billionaire is not to make billions of dollars - but affecting lives of a billion people. That's my goal! ❤️- GS

بواسطة George Stamatis

If he does go, the change will be doleful. Suppose he should be absent spring, summer, and autumn: how joyless sunshine and fine days will seem!

بواسطة Charlotte Brontë

I loved him as we always love for the first time; with idolatry and wild passion.

بواسطة Candide

Mr Jenkins. Unique, as every star in the sky is unique, every leaf on every tree, every snowflake, every farandola, every cherubim, unique: Named.

بواسطة Madeleine L'Engle

Beauty is given to dolls, majesty to haughty vixens, but mind, feeling, passion and the crowning grace of fortitude are the attributes of an angel.

بواسطة Charlotte Brontë