Then I’d go home, return to a pattern of worry, unable to tap the surrender core to travel’s inspiration. What was different?

Par Gina Greenlee

I don't travel to escape reality. I travel to return to it.

Par Jennifer Coletta

Sometimes being surronded by everyone is the loneliest, because you'll realise you have no one to turn to.

Par Soraya

For the way loneliness is worse when you return to it after a reprieve—like the soul’s version of putting on a wet bathing suit, clammy and miserable.

Par Laini Taylor

But they love each other. Isn't that what love means? That you're supposed to be there for the other person to turn to, no matter what?

Par Cassandra Clare

Nothing could be any worse than having to turn to your friends, your colleagues and your loved ones and say –‘I gave up too soon’.

Par Steve Backley

As the days dwindled towards the end of the week I knew only one thing: I couldn't return to our old life.

Par Ruth Ahmed

A person tied to the world of sorrows can return to nature for inspiration. Nature provides solace to troubled hearts.

Par Kilroy J. Oldster

Wake up from death, return to life.

Par Abhijit Naskar

My mother used to tell me that when push comes to shove, you always know who to turn to. That being a family isn't a social construct but an instinct.

Par Jodi Picoult

Then I realize what it is. It's him. Something about him makes me feel like I am about to fall. Or turn to liquid. Or burst into flames.

Par Veronica Roth

Thorns may hurt you, men desert you, sunlight turn to fog;

Par Douglas Malloch

Unreal friendship may turn to real

Par T.S. Eliot

I decide to turn to my old faithful solution to all that is wrong in life. Coffee.

Par Lisa Renee Jones