El tiempo existe para que no todo ocurra al mismo tiempo… y el espacio para que no todo te ocurra a ti
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Susan Sontag

Hoy todo existe para culminar en una fotografía

By Susan Sontag

Amo las limitaciones, porque son la causa de la inspiración

By Susan Sontag

No está mal ser bella; lo que está mal es la obligación de serlo

By Susan Sontag

Alone, alone. I am alone – I ache … Yet for the first time, despite all the anguish and the reality problems, I’m here. I feel tranquil, whole, ADULT.

By Susan Sontag

It hurts to love. It's like giving yourself to be flayed and knowing that at any moment the other person may just walk off with your skin.

By Susan Sontag

But the landscape of devastation is still a landscape. There is beauty in ruins.

By Susan Sontag
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