Happiness springs up from within. Do not seek it without.
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Ogwo David Emenike

Always be happy, you never know how happy you can make another by just being happy.

Par Ogwo David Emenike

The face of a truly happy man seldom lacks smiles.

Par Ogwo David Emenike

To be happy, you have to risk being unhappy.

Par Ogwo David Emenike

Patience and persistence are the keys... The keys to unlock doors of success... With these two virtues, you grow in reasoning and experience.

Par Ogwo David Emenike

The mind is the mine of man, wherein he digs out good or evil.

Par Ogwo David Emenike

The greatest reward for a man's failure is not necessarily the consequent success, but what he becomes by it.

Par Ogwo David Emenike

If your failure is not a lesson, it's indeed a failure.

Par Ogwo David Emenike