Be the positive impact on the lives of others.
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Roy T. Bennett

Take responsibility of your own happiness, never put it in other people’s hands.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

Acts of Kindness:

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

The more you can have control over your ego rather than let it run amuck, the more successful you’ll be in all areas of life.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

People are successful because they think and act like successful people.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

Integrity is doing what is right and truthful, and doing as you say you would do.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

The level of success you achieve will be in direct proportion to the depth of your commitment.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

How much you can learn when you fail determines how far you will go into achieving your goals.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

Failures are the stairs we climb to reach success.

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett

Great Leaders Create More Leaders

بواسطة Roy T. Bennett