YOU have to design your own Price tag for the world.
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Abhishek Shukla

Life is about the moments you create, that you can keep it with you FOREVER. After everything is over,That is what we have or what we are left with.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

Every interaction is an opportunity to learn, Only if we are interested in improving rather than proving.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

Life is about the moments you create,that you can keep with you forever.After everything is over,That is what we have or what we are left with.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

Strong people don't put others down. They lift them up and slam them on the ground for maximum damage.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

Memories of the past are what drive us, whether to a life of beauty or a life of insanity is up to us.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

Every person has his secret; in reverie, unbeknown to others, he finds peace, freedom, sorrow and love.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

Love wins when reflections win over reflexes.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

In the end, you will realize most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla