If you have never found yourself, the best place to look is in your loneliness, and rock-bottom is even better.
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Bryant McGill

If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in poor company.

Par Bryant McGill

Loneliness and desperation are only possible when we have lost touch with our beauty within.

Par Bryant McGill

Loneliness will give you the greatest chance of ever having a beautiful relationship with another person.

Par Bryant McGill

Loneliness is really a wonderful companion that can show us so much about ourselves and others.

Par Bryant McGill

Have you ever considered another type of loneliness; a good and healthy, happy loneliness?

Par Bryant McGill

Once you connect with yourself, it is impossible to be lonely or desperate.

Par Bryant McGill

Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life.

Par Bryant McGill

Ambition is not what a man would do, but what a man does, for ambition without action is fantasy.

Par Bryant McGill

Do not let your grand ambitions stand in the way of small but meaningful accomplishments.

Par Bryant McGill

A person who makes few mistakes makes little progress.

Par Bryant McGill

You have put yourself at risk to activate your instinctual genius.

Par Bryant McGill

Boundaries and risk management are very important parts of living a healthy and positive life.

Par Bryant McGill

Excessive self-criticism is a bad habit and extraordinarily self-destructive. Don't be your own worst enemy!

Par Bryant McGill

Your greatest moments of challenge are a call to defy your timid habits of safety and rush out into life.

Par Bryant McGill

If you are rude, cynical, habitually-sarcastic or pessimistic, your life options are going to be very limited.

Par Bryant McGill