Don’t be afraid of failures it takes courage to try new things & only those who try create History.
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Abhishek Shukla

Living your life is a task so difficult it has never been attempted before.

Par Abhishek Shukla

To enjoy a peaceful & Beautiful Life We should open our 'EYE' and Close our 'I

Par Abhishek Shukla

The only way to be content in life is to make sure your NEED don't become GREED.

Par Abhishek Shukla

Pray GOD by HEART, Not by HABIT.

Par Abhishek Shukla

Theres no competition in DESTINY. Run your own RACE and wish others WELL!!!

Par Abhishek Shukla

Have and show motivation to do and learn. That's the key for a good career. Everything else is an extrapolation of that.

Par Abhishek Shukla

Start wherever you are! Low hanging fruit really tastes as good as the high stuff.

Par Abhishek Shukla

Passion + Vision +Skill + Mentoring = Success.

Par Abhishek Shukla

To be successful in life , Plan, Implement, Revise, Update, and Build on Change.

Par Abhishek Shukla

A lie near to truth is always difficult to catch

Par Abhishek Shukla

Smiling is not a choice It’s a Lifestyle Pass it on

Par Abhishek Shukla

How long you will live in your dreams? The time is now, it's better to go and follow them..

Par Abhishek Shukla

Love is the reflection of a broken heart in a shattered mirror...

Par Abhishek Shukla

Don't ask creator to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet.

Par Abhishek Shukla

Its all about perception in life, For some One minus One = One & for some its Zero.That's the only difference.

Par Abhishek Shukla