The more we veer away from our true nature, the more unhappy we feel. When we align with our better self, we feel happy and content again.
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Donna Goddard

Peace; how unassuming you are. Yet, you are king of all the feelings.

By Donna Goddard

If we could live in the consecrated spaces of happiness and forget the past, how easily the world would transform.

By Donna Goddard

The way is not narrow. It’s wide. Everyone is welcome. However, we have to know that we are welcome or we keep the door shut ourselves.

By Donna Goddard

Beautiful things come together one stitch at a time.

By Donna Goddard

More than nakedness,

By Donna Goddard

When there is no tension between the inner beingness and that which is being expressed, there is grace.

By Donna Goddard
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