In the fancy spectacle of life, aspire to find a joy that does not need an audience.
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Joyce Rachelle

Whatever that place is, I don't much care -- not unless a book has happened there.

By Joyce Rachelle

Where you go when you travel is as important as where you are in your life when you do.

By Joyce Rachelle

How you feel about home after holiday says a lot about home.

By Joyce Rachelle

All good things must come to an end. That's why they're called good things -- otherwise they're just... ordinary.

By Joyce Rachelle

Very often I realize that the time people spend apart is as important in maintaining relationships as the time they spend together.

By Joyce Rachelle

She's one in a million. And that's why she's lonely.

By Joyce Rachelle

But men are bound to say

By Joyce Rachelle

Yes you have returned

By Joyce Rachelle

Remember the friends who stuck with you when they thought you had nothing.

By Joyce Rachelle

If a normally kind, agreeable person makes an enemy of you, you ought to ask yourself why.

By Joyce Rachelle

Always make an effort to be around people who will help you grow.

By Joyce Rachelle

If I exist, then surely there must be someone else out there like me.

By Joyce Rachelle

Not all friends know they have lost you.

By Joyce Rachelle