Better to stay home than travel in a hurry.
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Marty Rubin

Happiness is what matters, feeling alive-not art or knowledge or money.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

Happiness: the feeling of being alive.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

Enjoy the rainbow while it lasts and don't chase it when it's gone.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

If you think happiness is a rare bird you won't see much of it.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

Happiness never made anyone rich or famous. That must be why ambitious people avoid it.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

Loneliness is a failure to appreciate others.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

The void can only be filled with love.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

It's indifference that breaks hearts, not love.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

When you fill a void, isn't the void still there?

بواسطة Marty Rubin

Only the dying know what real loneliness is.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

The lonely suffer from this most: to mistake attention for love.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

Give a lonely person a little attention and they'll mistake it for love.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

The mistake every lonely person makes is to confuse attention with love.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

Solitude is where one discovers one is not alone.

بواسطة Marty Rubin

Marriage: a poetic ideal, a prosaic reality.

بواسطة Marty Rubin