Over time, loneliness gets inside you and doesn't go away.
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Carlos Ruiz Zafón

El que tiene mucho apego a un rebaño es que tiene algo de borrego

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

El mundo es muy pequeño cuando no se tiene a donde ir

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

El destino no hace visitas a domicilio, hay que ir a por él

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Nadie pregunta por aquello que prefiere ignorar

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Making money isn't hard in itself,what's hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting your life to

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

We all give up great expectations along the way.

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

There are no second chances in life, except to feel remorse.

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Every piece of that marvelous world was a silent tear.

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

As he took them in his arms, the crying of the babies permeated the night like a trail of blood calling out to a predator.

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

One loves truly only once in a lifetime, Julian, even if one isn’t aware of it.

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón

The moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you've already stopped loving that person forever.

Par Carlos Ruiz Zafón