The only really sound marriages are those based on mutual respect.
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Billy Graham

Loneliness is no respecter of persons. It invades the palace as well as the hut.

By Billy Graham

I am never lonely when I am sharing [Christ] with others. There is a great exhilaration in talking to others about [Him].

By Billy Graham

With Christ as your Savior and constant Companion, you, although alone, need never be lonely.

By Billy Graham

I am never lonely when I am reading the Bible. Nothing dissolves loneliness like a session with God’s Word.

By Billy Graham

Nothing brings more joy than a good marriage, and nothing brings more misery than a bad marriage.

By Billy Graham

A marriage based only on physical attraction or romantic emotions is almost certainly doomed to failure right from the start.

By Billy Graham

I know of few families today that aren’t touched to some extent by the heartache of divorce, including our own.

By Billy Graham

Marriage is God’s invention, not ours! Society didn’t establish it; God did.

By Billy Graham

A good marriage is not “made in heaven,” but on earth. Love is a fragile commodity which needs to be cultivated and nourished constantly.

By Billy Graham

While God’s will is that every marriage will endure, man’s sin has poisoned many relationships.

By Billy Graham

[God] can help you begin to rebuild your marriage and your life if you will let Him rule in your life.

By Billy Graham

As husband and wife, to have a happy life together, you must have confidence and respect, and you must have substantial agreement in your faith.

By Billy Graham

Marriage is not a reform school . . .Instead of you reforming [your spouse], [he or she] will instead influence you.

By Billy Graham

Gardens don’t grow by themselves; they need to be tended and cultivated and weeded. The same is true of a marriage.

By Billy Graham

It’s amazing how we can hurt others, especially those close to us . . .subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which wives belittle husbands and vice versa.

By Billy Graham