The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing - and then marry him.
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Nadie recordaría al buen samaritano, si además de buenas intenciones no hubiera tenido dinero

Par Margaret Thatcher

Cualquier mujer que entienda los problemas de llevar una casa está muy cerca de entender los de llevar un país

Par Margaret Thatcher

En cuanto se concede a la mujer la igualdad con el hombre, se vuelve superior a él

Par Margaret Thatcher

Es posible tener que librar una batalla más de una vez para ganarla

Par Margaret Thatcher

I love getting lost on purpose

Par Lisa Desrochers

And now it was official: I loved REI more than I loved the people behind Snapple lemonade.

Par Cheryl Strayed

Preparing for your journey in the most thorough way possible will not diminish your experiences abroad. It will enhance them.

Par Bailey Richert

Be brave. You didn't travel this far to languish within the walls of your comfortable self.

Par Sandra Vischer

You, too, can observe the beauty of flowers and nature through the windows of your life if you are willing to open them.

Par Noel Marie Fletcher

What you will see are things that caught my eye and made me stop in my tracks to take a closer look.

Par Noel Marie Fletcher

There are things you can't walk away from. Not if you want to live with yourself afterward.

Par Jim Butcher

Many things are not as they seem: The worst things in life never are.

Par Jim Butcher

Life would be unbearably dull if we had answers to all our questions.

Par Jim Butcher

But the only way never to do the wrong thing is never to do anything.

Par Jim Butcher

Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is ajar

Par Jim Butcher