We must be aware that momentum born of old habits and destructive behaviors might be momentum, but it’s momentum slammed into reverse.
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Craig D. Lounsbrough

I desperately want someone to see the anguish of my soul, for to walk alone in that kind of anguish creates an anguish all its own.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

I cannot live without you. For to attempt to do so would be to rob both of us of each other, and that is thievery of the greatest sort.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

Love never lives on a one-way street, for it will always come back up the road bigger than how we had sent it down the road.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

Vulnerability creates unimaginable space to build each other up, as much as it creates ample room to tear each other down.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

I yearn not for the easy path, but for the right path.  For 'easy' and 'right' are rarely compatible.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

The road to success is paved with the hot asphalt of failure.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

The man who waits to know everything is the man who never does anything.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

The difference between ‘wanting’ something and ‘having’ something is ‘doing’ something.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

Greatness is the born of ordinary men who decided to work extraordinarily hard.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

Will it take the death of me to finally learn that the things that I describe as success may very well be the death of me?

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

The greatest ‘victory’ in any victory is that I didn’t make it about myself.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

Even if yesterday was wildly successful, I still don’t want to repeat it. Rather, I want to build on it.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

More times than not, going backwards is a necessary part of going forwards.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

Achievement is not about ‘doing something.’ Rather, it’s about ‘being someone.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough

The most critical time in any battle is not when I’m fatigued, it’s when I no longer care.

Par Craig D. Lounsbrough