There is a beast
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Melody Lee

I may be lost, but I'm traveling the right way.

بواسطة Melody Lee

Are you ready to wander with me to take my hand

بواسطة Melody Lee

Go places, everywhere you can See the world—

بواسطة Melody Lee

When you find your twin flame you also find your freedom, for there is nothing more exhilarating, wild and free than absolute soul love.

بواسطة Melody Lee

There are those times when you need to push negative people aside, give fear a swift kick in the ass and fire up your dreams.

بواسطة Melody Lee

Night time

بواسطة Melody Lee

It's her black wings that make her beautiful.

بواسطة Melody Lee

With poetry, rules are meant to be broken. And that's the beauty of poetry; it's rebellious, like me.

بواسطة Melody Lee

Intoxicate me with the beauty

بواسطة Melody Lee

She burns like the sun

بواسطة Melody Lee

My soul

بواسطة Melody Lee

Some days she is delicate, vulnerable and soft.

بواسطة Melody Lee

Never underestimate your worth your beauty or your strength. You are everything you can imagine and so much more.

بواسطة Melody Lee

Where you see scars I see art

بواسطة Melody Lee