Beauty and Money will get you a relationship , but not love. Listening, caring and being there will get you Love.
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De philosopher DJ Kyos

To loveres our theree...

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

To lovers out there...

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

When a man doesn't want you. He plays you. When a women doesn't want you. She humiliates you.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

Real man don’t abuse women. Real man walks away when the women is ill-discipline and is not worth it.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

To lovers out there…

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

To Lovers out there..

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

To lovers there.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

If you have influence on other people. Dont be influenced by their hate, money, jealousy, anger and popularity .

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

When you are truly happy you will realise that there is nothing to prove to people.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

When your experience, qualifications, and skills fail you. Let your hope, prayer, and faith carry you through.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

Most children don't know freedom, because their life is a never-ending debt to their parents.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

When a person wants something. He/She makes a plan. When a person does not want something. He/She makes excuses.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

Don't hate that is the only way you will progress to success. Learn to congratulate and compliment others when they do good, win or succeed.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

Every failure makes me to work twice as hard than me giving up.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos

Don't think less of me as a person because of my profession.

بواسطة De philosopher DJ Kyos