We stand the risk of regression, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks.
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Sunday Adelaja

With a well-organized life, you have a higher chance of success and excellence in your area of calling and whatever you find yourself doing.

Par Sunday Adelaja

No one has truly become successful on life without having to organize his life.

Par Sunday Adelaja

Those who have made it to the top have only done so through hard work and time conversion.

Par Sunday Adelaja

It is the investment of time that gives birth to success

Par Sunday Adelaja

The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is how much value they attach to time

Par Sunday Adelaja

Time plays a major role in achieving success

Par Sunday Adelaja

Invest today, so as to get from it the utmost health, happiness and success

Par Sunday Adelaja

God has placed everything in you to succeed

Par Sunday Adelaja

Faith in God is not a compulsory factor for you to be successful on earth, but you will be a failure in heaven without faith in God

Par Sunday Adelaja

You might be successful on earth without faith in God

Par Sunday Adelaja

You need more faith in self than in God to be successful on earth

Par Sunday Adelaja

Nations that have successfully converted better are those ones we refer to as developed nations today

Par Sunday Adelaja

The difference between failure and success is conversion

Par Sunday Adelaja

If you can successfully convert your time effectively, you will become unstoppable and your success will amaze the world

Par Sunday Adelaja

The idea that only a few are meant for success or greatness is nothing but a myth

Par Sunday Adelaja