We stand the risk of regression, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks.
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Sunday Adelaja

When you choose your own way, you lose your happiness

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

The world is “sick” with loneliness in spite of multitudes of people living in it

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

One of the greatest things that can happen to you is loneliness

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

The person that fights for every minute of his time will have to be lonely most times

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

Most ladies do not understand that first and primary they need to find and fulfil their life calling

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

Dear women, do not marry until you find your true being, your mission

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

Some people live for the sake of their partners and derive their strength and energy from them

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

Even a good family can become a trap for one’s destiny when the family becomes your aim

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

If you are not aware of the goal of your living, what will you do you when your children grow up and leave the house?

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

Identifying the purpose of your living is more important than creating a family and having children

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

It is important to create a family and bring up a child: these things are good and even necessary

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

You are not a biomass, you were not born only to be like a bush or tree, just to marry, reproduce and die

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

People who simply live their life and care only about bearing children are under the influence of a misbelief that they are people

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

To bear a child or to get married is not the primary goal for a lady who wants to become successful in life

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja

Prejudice inherent in individuals of many monocultural societies in relation to black husbands is devoid of logic

بواسطة Sunday Adelaja