We are not people who touch each other carelessly; every point of contact between us feels important, a rush of energy and relief.
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Veronica Roth

Dead people can be our heroes because they cant disappoint us later; they only improve over time, as we forget more and more about them.

Par Veronica Roth

Yeah, sometimes life really sucks," she says. "But you know what I'm holding on for?"

Par Veronica Roth

The person you became with her is worth being.

Par Veronica Roth

One Choice

Par Veronica Roth

No matter how long you train someone to be brave, you never know if they are or not until something real happens.

Par Veronica Roth

If she's in pain now she doesn't show it; she just closes her eyes and surrenders, and that is worse than her screaming for help, somehow.

Par Veronica Roth

But I know that for every good thing that comes along, there is always a cost.

Par Veronica Roth

Hearing him talk about his mother, about his intact family, makes my chest hurt for a second, like someone pierced it with a needle.

Par Veronica Roth

I feel like myself, strong and weak at once - allowed, at least for a little while, to be both.

Par Veronica Roth

I regret..." Tobias tilts his head, and sighs. "I regret my choice."

Par Veronica Roth

I'll be your family now," he says.

Par Veronica Roth

Yeah, well," I say, "I left Abnegation because I wasn't selfless enough, no matter how hard I tried to be."

Par Veronica Roth

Okay. Then...I can talk. Ask me something."

Par Veronica Roth

I wonder if fears ever really go away, or if they just lose their power over us.

Par Veronica Roth

Then I realize what it is. It's him. Something about him makes me feel like I am about to fall. Or turn to liquid. Or burst into flames.

Par Veronica Roth