Real museums are places where Time is transformed into Space.
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Orhan Pamuk

Life is beautiful if you are on the road to somewhere

Par Orhan Pamuk

The greatest happiness is when the eye discovers beauty where neither then mind conceived of nor the hand intended any.

Par Orhan Pamuk

The only antidote to the loneliness of the streets was the streets themselves.

Par Orhan Pamuk

After all, a woman who doesn't love cats is never going to be make a man happy.

Par Orhan Pamuk

Tell me then, does love make one a fool or do only fools fall in love?

Par Orhan Pamuk

Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the whole world.

Par Orhan Pamuk

…he quit drinking coffee, and naturally, his brain stopped working.

Par Orhan Pamuk