But there's a sense of camaraderie in that, in knowing that you're on the same team of players all looking to play a different game.
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Mandy Ashcraft

They stood there looking as if they'd weathered a brief but intense storm between Bagel's cubicle and the break room.

By Mandy Ashcraft

His brain didn't want her to go, and he was afraid his subconscious would badger it's only witness into believing she didn't have to.

By Mandy Ashcraft

He'd chain-smoked so heavily over the years in the vicinity of that travel bag that he wouldn't be surprised if the leather had developed a tumor.

By Mandy Ashcraft

The money he stuffed into the gaping void of family fell limply through to the floor of a mansion he lived in alone.

By Mandy Ashcraft

It was almost beautiful if you didn't think about it ever, at all.

By Mandy Ashcraft
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