All around us is a nothing that stretches on for infinity. We humans can barely comprehend that. If we comprehend it we are rarely pleased.
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F.K. Preston

What is infinity? I haven’t a clue.

By F.K. Preston

All that is required of you is an open mind and a little patience.

By F.K. Preston

There is nothing to me but you. I know it’s pathetic but, oh darling, it’s true.

By F.K. Preston

My creativity keeps me from starving. Humanity keeps my life mundane. Loving secures my love for life, but my imagination keeps me sane.

By F.K. Preston

Violence can read like poetry. You just have to describe the act as if you’re in love with the way your characters bleed.

By F.K. Preston

A death in reverse is the rewinding of life. I do not die of old age,

By F.K. Preston

I keep dying and hoping you notice me. But you’re too busy living.

By F.K. Preston

Two dreams and a cup of coffee later.

By F.K. Preston
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