Ten Keys To Success: Number 0; there is no guaranteed or easy recipe. Number 11: some else's path to it will not be yours.
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Rasheed Ogunlaru

Live your life, sing your song. Not full of expectations. Not for the ovations. But for the joy of it.

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

While you'll feel compelled to charge forward it's often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek.

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

It is wiser to love who you are than what you want.

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

Success is a path of setbacks, passion, purpose and inner strength

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

While there may be many things in life you wish to harvest not every seed you plant will grow.

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

The magic, grace, growth and wonder of life is that wisdom follows a fall and defeat not from a win.

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

Ten Keys To Success: Number 0; there is no easy or guaranteed recipe. Number 11: some else's path to it will not be yours.

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

Unlike sport in business the win-win is the best possible score

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

Just like the cast of a great movie and the career of great athletes few success stories are a one man show. Build your team and grow.

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

Don't expect others to hand success to you. Create it - with heart, energy and enterprise - and you'll make it come true

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

It does not need to be perfect - or technically correct - to be magic

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

A Star is always a star no matter what stage they are on or at

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

You will never get the best out of anyone professionally unless you understand what motivates and makes them tick personally - as a human being

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

Communication is the breath or death of any relationship

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru

Friendships - and indeed most relationships - are measured in the closeness of hearts,

بواسطة Rasheed Ogunlaru