I've never wanted to be loved. And God Knows no one's done it yet.
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Lisa Kleypas

You have to rely on whatever sparks you have inside.

By Lisa Kleypas

Shock is a merciful condition. It allows you to get through disaster with a necessary distance between you and your feelings.

By Lisa Kleypas

Opening up to the wrong person is like putting ammo in their hands.

By Lisa Kleypas

It was the first time she had ever felt the kind of loneliness that couldn't be cured with just any available company.

By Lisa Kleypas

Be that as it may, I think someday you'll meet a man worth giving up your independence for.

By Lisa Kleypas

No marriage stays in the same pattern forever. It is both the best feature of marriage and the worst, that it inevitably changes.

By Lisa Kleypas

I'm not the marrying kind -"

By Lisa Kleypas

What kind of wedding would you like?" he asked, and stole another kiss before she could reply.

By Lisa Kleypas

After a universal silence, Leo was the first to speak. “Did anyone else notice—

By Lisa Kleypas

The chef turned back to the housekeeper. “Why is there doubt about the relations between Monsieur and Madame Rutledge?

By Lisa Kleypas

Christopher heard a pair of women gossiping nearby, whispering in disapproving undertones.

By Lisa Kleypas

Of all the Hathaway sisters,” Cam said equably, “Beatrix is the one most suited to choose her own husband. I trust her judgment.

By Lisa Kleypas

I've missed you, Sebastian."

By Lisa Kleypas

It's the perfect solution. We argue all the time. We can't stand each other. It's like we're already married.

By Lisa Kleypas

A couple of times in your life, it happens like that. You meet a stranger, and all you know is that you need to know everything about him.

By Lisa Kleypas
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