I have a sadness within my happiness.
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Anthony T. Hincks

Raindrops will always carry their dreams & hopes with them, no matter where they go.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Dream if you want your future to come to life.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Sometimes, life lets you float amongst the clouds rather than sail upon the waters.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Sometimes, you just have to dive straight in, I guess that's what life is all about.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Believe that you can fly, and you will.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Sadness come from knowing ourselves and not doing anything to help.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Sadness comes from knowing that you are alone in a room full of friends.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Sadness is the emotion that lets us know that we are missing something in our life. It is usually something that we love.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Tears are what makes us one with the clouds.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

A raindrop carries hopes & expectations, but a teardrop carries happiness & sadness.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

A teardrop has every right to live just as much as a single raindrop.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

I can no more live without your smile than I can without your love.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Yellow is the colour of the sun.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

Dad!" Jesus yelled.

Par Anthony T. Hincks

It's the chill of a beautiful sunset that promises a lovely night ahead.

Par Anthony T. Hincks