I’d rather be oblivious and ignorant in regards to him. I don’t want to know if and when he dies because honestly, there’s a chance I will follow him.
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Dominic Riccitello

Hell’s empty because all the demons are in my head.

Par Dominic Riccitello

It was never a lingering sadness in result of us not being together. It was more so your arrogance towards the situation that brought on the sadness.

Par Dominic Riccitello

You stole my soul but I figured it was because you needed it more.

Par Dominic Riccitello

You couldn’t tell I was crying because my eyes were closed.

Par Dominic Riccitello

I used to love September, but now it just rhymes with remember.

Par Dominic Riccitello

You wallow in abusive relationships because that’s all you have in that moment. You need something darker to bring you to truth.

Par Dominic Riccitello

You mistake tragedy for horror because no one likes true sadness.

Par Dominic Riccitello

You speak in night, not because it’s night, but because it’s dark enough in theory that no one will see you.

Par Dominic Riccitello

I’d rather be the creep in the night and the fire that burns your eyes than the way you use and define life.

Par Dominic Riccitello

I want you to look at me the way I look at the ceiling in the night. The way three am knows my name.

Par Dominic Riccitello

You have to die to become alive and that’s why tragedy seems so beautiful.

Par Dominic Riccitello

I’ve met plenty of beautiful people but I honestly can’t tell you what they look like.

Par Dominic Riccitello