When wisdom comes, transformation comes. Wisdom makes the difference between the succeeding man and the failing man.
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Patience Johnson

Thank God #EVEN# #THOUGH# in bad times not only in your good; this is a graduated form of gratitude.

Par Patience Johnson

I don't want to settle down because God has satisfied me and heard my prayers. I want to stay hungry and thirsty for the things of God.

Par Patience Johnson

Be careful the mistake of yesterday always lives with tomorrow.

Par Patience Johnson

Whenever you are in transition it is always important to choose the words that you use. You call it crises in your life and I call it transition.

Par Patience Johnson

All the failures in my life freed me from all my fears so that I can succeed.

Par Patience Johnson

Be careful because God's gifts alone are not able to give you joy; God's gift can only bring you joy when they are joined with your gratitude.

Par Patience Johnson

There is power in the word of God if used properly.

Par Patience Johnson

My advice for those of you who felt being marginalised, undervalued and taken for granted; guess what? That is the Arena where God creates Leaders.

Par Patience Johnson

There must always be an opposition because the enemy always opposes what the Lord has declared.

Par Patience Johnson

It’s when your plans look dead that God’s resurrection power begins to operate in your life in greater measure

Par Patience Johnson

I would rather have a man chasing JESUS than a house full of stuffs and garrage filled with big cars.

Par Patience Johnson

Whenever someone is a threat to the enemy there will be an attack dispatched against that person to try to minimise their effectiveness.

Par Patience Johnson

God always sees me with no make-ups on because He knew how we started.

Par Patience Johnson

God is not interested in helping you finding out why you are in a mess, He is interested in fixing it.

Par Patience Johnson

I do not have any trust fund, I have always trusted God for all my funds.

Par Patience Johnson