This empty shell holds nothing but the echoes of what was.
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Jenim Dibie

Every avalanche was once a lonely snowflake, every flood was once an aching raindrop.

By Jenim Dibie

If you're lonely, touch someone. Chances are, you'd end up travelling together.

By Jenim Dibie

If you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, allow your mind go everywhere.

By Jenim Dibie

The sun loved me again when it saw that the stars would not abandon me.

By Jenim Dibie

I have these knives in my chest that can't become words.

By Jenim Dibie

I keep breaking things, as if to see what's going on inside of me.

By Jenim Dibie

The most beautiful things often stand alone.

By Jenim Dibie

The world is full of beautiful places. Let your heart be one of them.

By Jenim Dibie
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