You have been blessed with immeasurable power to make positive changes in your life.
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Steve Maraboli

Get out of your own way… stop the paralysis by analysis… decide what you want, create a simple plan, and get moving!

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

There is a difference between talented people and gifted people.Talented people are good AT something; Gifted people ARE that something.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

Don't nourish your fears more than you nourish your hopes.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

The word "seek" is a verb. Are you treating it as such in your life? If you seek change, success, or love, DO it - BE it!

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

Some of the most powerful speeches I have given have been delivered in the dedicated silence of my actions.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

An empowered life begins with serious personal questions about oneself. Those answers bare the seeds of success.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

Our moral economy went bankrupt long before our financial one.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

It is in the balancing of your spirituality with your humanity that you will find immeasurable happiness, success, good health, and love.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

Dream your dream; and realize that you are more than just the dreamer, you are the point of origin for its reality.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

Stop waiting for the perfect day or the perfect moment... Take THIS day, THIS moment and lead it to perfection.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

Don't wait for other people to be loving, giving, compassionate, grateful, forgiving, generous, or friendly... lead the way!

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

Success is something you experience when you act accordingly. Success is not something you have, it’s something you do.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

We can’t continuously be a society of well-wishers. We must take action to bring those wishes to fruition.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

Do the best you can, with what you can, while you can, and success in inevitable.

بواسطة Steve Maraboli

I dont write books so that you can be fascinated with me. I write them so you can be fascinated with YOU!

بواسطة Steve Maraboli