Ignore the reek of feces in the air, the bloodstains on the ground, and you have yourself a glorious night.
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Katherine McIntyre

Truth be told, loneliness had seeped into her bones with the passing of time until it had become her normal way of life.

By Katherine McIntyre

Everyone’s searching for someone to end the pain of loneliness. Even the darkest of souls wants a shot at redemption.

By Katherine McIntyre

He stroked her back and kept a fierce grip on her like she’d fade away into one of the thousands of ghosts in this cemetery.

By Katherine McIntyre

Wistful notes spoke of loneliness, as solitary as the final birdsong of autumn or the trill of summer’s last cicada before the wintry freeze.

By Katherine McIntyre

He knew too well the sting of loneliness and how over time it stole you away, piece by piece, until a mere shell remained.

By Katherine McIntyre

As she’d walked along this street, a million stars stretched across an indigo canvas, holding all the freedom she’d yearned for every night.

By Katherine McIntyre

The Cottage Diner’s homey lights glowed onto black asphalt which just sucked up the beams to spit out more shadows.

By Katherine McIntyre

Overhead the sliver of a moon barely illuminated anything and shadows slunk on every corner.

By Katherine McIntyre
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