Happiness is a big joke; let us laugh at it loud.

بواسطة Santosh Kalwar

Everything is funnier in retrospect, funnier and prettier and cooler. You can laugh at anything from far enough away.

بواسطة Chuck Palahniuk

If you don't learn to laugh at life it'll surely kill you, that I know.

بواسطة Brom

Don't take life too seriously. Punch it in the face when it needs a good hit. Laugh at it.

بواسطة Colleen Hoover

Being able to laugh at ourselves and at the comical aspects of sex will take the pressure off the whole experience.

بواسطة Oscar Auliq-Ice

Do your best in the day, for the day, and then work on tomorrow when it comes. Show yourself grace and laugh at yourself.

بواسطة Amber Hurdle

I guess the sacrifice of my dignity is the only thing that will save us now. The things I endure for love. The Fates laugh at my torment.

بواسطة Julie Kagawa

I laugh at the wrinkles in the mirror.

بواسطة Ljupka Cvetanova