Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.

Par Khalil Gibran

I'll know coffee works without cream and sugar when I see people buying unsweetened bakers chocolate for Valentine's Day.

Par Kevin Sinnott

Anhil's coffee was hot, dark, full-flavored, perfect chasing the equally well-turned donut: golden brown, dense without being leaden, not too sweet.

Par A.M. Homes

Coffee and love taste the same, bittersweet!

Par Saravana Kumar Murugan

Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love.

Par Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord

The goal is to hit the sweet spot of maximum value optimization, where foolish risk is balanced against excessive caution.

Par Steven J. Bowen

Women’s beauty is a sweet coat to something more sinister- a bribe to men to plunge into the unknown

Par Bangambiki Habyarimana

That is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones.

Par Neil Gaiman

People only picked the pretty, sweet-smelling flowers. The ones with thorns were left alone.

Par Nenia Campbell

the late afternoon sunlight, warm as oil, sweet as childhood ...

Par Stephen King

I suspect he's sweet on Sophie and doesn't like to see her work too hard.'

Par Cassandra Clare