We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

Par Martin Luther King , Jr.

India will reveal to you the places in your heart that must be purified.

Par Erin Reese

A (wo)men travels the world over in search of wht (s)he needs and returns home to find it

Par Barbara Magro

People travel because it teaches them things they could learn no other way.

Par Lance Morrow

There are people in this world so rich that when it rains they simply fly away on private jets in search of sun.

Par Peggy Kopman-Owens

You think of travellers as bold, but our guilty secret is that travel is one of the laziest ways on earth of passing the time.

Par Paul Theroux

She had learned to live light because life itself could be heavy enough.

Par Jackson Burnett

See it, learn it, do it ALL.

Par Jamie McCall

When you build a city near no mountains and no ocean, you get materialism and traditional religion. People have too much time and lack inspiration.

Par Donald Miller

There are more places you haven't heard of then you're heard of!' I loved that

Par Jonathan Safran Foer

But between now and then, there was Life; and Bod walked into it with his eyes and his heart wide open.

Par Neil Gaiman

Bulgaria, I reflected as I walked back to the hotel, isn’t a country; it’s a near-death experience.

Par Bill Bryson

Often I would hear other people ask, “When will I be normal again?

Par Michelle Dallocchio

The man who seeks to educate himself must first read and then travel in order to correct what he has learned.

Par Casanova

A wise walker will set out early, keeping an open mind on how far to travel, allowing each day's adventure to evolve.

Par John Litwinovich