There is no fun or glory living a dull life. You have take chance and tackle challenges to make it interesting.

بواسطة Evan Smith

There's sometimes a tugging feeling you get to push further when you aren't being challenged enough or when things get too comfortable.

بواسطة Criss Jami

Your greatest moments of challenge are a call to defy your timid habits of safety and rush out into life.

بواسطة Bryant McGill

A joyful soul is the choice to dwell on amazing gift of life than the challenges.

بواسطة Lailah Gifty Akita

We change when circumstances necessitate it; we adapt because we have to. The real challenge is to change when circumstances don’t demand it at all.

بواسطة Richelle E. Goodrich

beauty has been known to drive men wild, like the sirens did. Man’s challenge is to steer clear from it.” - Salvadore about temptation

بواسطة Kailin Gow

She wins who calls herself beautiful and challenges the world to change to truly see her.

بواسطة Naomi Wolf

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

بواسطة Joshua J. Marine