Life doesn't teach us through ease & happiness, it teaches us through challenges & pain.

Par Mohsin Ali Shaukat

Be the kind of person who dares to face life's challenges and overcome them rather than dodging them.

Par Roy T. Bennett

Every challenge you face today makes you stronger tomorrow. The challenge of life is intended to make you better, not bitter.

Par Roy T. Bennett

Don't wish it was easier wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom

Par Jim Rohn

When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.

Par Roy T. Bennett

Challenge and adversity are meant to help you know who you are. Storms hit your weakness, but unlock your true strength.

Par Roy T. Bennett

Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey.

Par Roy T. Bennett

When you are stressed and challenged by hardships just smile through it as frowning won’t help in changing the situation

Par Abhishek Shukla

Faith to challenge equals recovery. When you learn to challenge your situation God speaks.

Par Patience Johnson

Balancing the rigors life itself, being true to my wife, and the biggest example of a man to our sons is not a challenge for me. It is my sanity.

Par A.K. Kuykendall

Mark it. No challenges, no success!

Par Israelmore Ayivor

To challenge yourself takes courage, not for the

Par Bluenscottish

When we face every challenge with optimism and learn to fail with our heads up, a great attitude is always success, no matter the outcome.

Par Ron Baratono

It takes heart to battle great challenges, great faith to be victorious over them.

Par Wayne Chirisa

If you copy my dreams, you automatically will copy my challenges too. My success will give you a crown. My challenges will make you frown.

Par Israelmore Ayivor