Happiness is the ultimate inner experience of living with generosity, love, kindness, compassion, and gratitude.

Par Debasish Mridha

For the philosopher is right who says that nothing thicker than a knife's blade separates happiness from melancholy

Par Virginia Woolf

For the philosopher is right who says that nothing is thicker than a knife's blade separates happiness from melancholy

Par Virginia Woolf

I Have too many flaws to be perfect. But I have too many blessings to be ungrateful.

Par Unknown

With all of my heart, I truly believe, that love is not the key to happiness but rather IS pure happiness.

Par Cailah H.

Unhappiness is a contagious disease caused by a chronic deficiency of gratitude.

Par Mokokoma Mokhonoana

No better words than "thank you" have yet been discovered to express the sincere gratitude of one's heart, when the two words are sincerely spoken.

Par Alfred Montapert

To live free is to liberate yourself from all fears….

Par Husam Wafaei

Kirtan is spiritually uplifting! It spreads its beautiful, peaceful vibrations and uplifts the soul!

Par Dada J. P. Vaswani

It’s really hard to be angry when you’re grateful.

Par Freequill

If we could live in the consecrated spaces of happiness and forget the past, how easily the world would transform.

Par Donna Goddard

Creativity is overrated. Happiness is far more important.

Par Marty Rubin

if you are going to trust a loved one, first learn to tolerate pain, because finally, your trust will bring you there

Par Mohammed Zaki Ansari

The happiest people are not those who have the most, but those who are the most grateful for what they have.

Par Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Love Is The Only One That Remains After Lovers Have Gone Separate Ways

Par Ekeh Joe Obinna