At this last stop before the road enters the endless forest, what we have in common with others can loom larger than what separates us.

Par Alain de Botton

You can handle just about anything that comes at you out on the road with a believable grin, common sense and whiskey.

Par Bill Murray

Genuine happiness is not nearly as common as a fake smile.

Par Mokokoma Mokhonoana

The pursuit of happiness is one of the most common symptoms of intellectual immaturity.

Par Mokokoma Mokhonoana

The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.

Par Vladimir Nabokov

What we like to think of ourselves and what we really are rarely have much in common....

Par Stephen King

The Lord prefers common-looking people. That is why he made so many of them.

Par Abraham Lincoln

One thing that is clearer to me every day is how much we all have in common, and one of those commonalities is that we all think we are alone.

Par Liat Segal

I was lonely, and a lonely heart has hungers that can overpower both common sense and dignity.

Par Robin Hobb

The more books you read, the less topics you have in common with most of the people, that´s the price you pay for reading.

Par Martina Tutková

I have hardly anything in common with myself and should stand very quietly in a corner, content that I can breathe.

Par Franz Kafka

I mean, what do people talk about when they're married?" "Their kids, I guess." "Maybe that's all they have in common.

Par Rita Mae Brown

She says it's really not very flattering to her that the women who fall in love with her husband are so uncommonly second-rate.

Par W. Somerset Maugham

The two common characteristics of people who repeatedly fail are hardly ever listening and never learning from past failures.


Emotions such as disappointments or regrets after failures may be common, but trying again and again will overcome these feelings.