Whoever thinks of going to bed before twelve o'clock is a scoundrel.

Par Samuel Johnson

I would know you anywhere for my true love. Whoever I was and whoever you were, I would know you at once for my true love.

Par Philippa Gregory

Whoever loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.

Par Vincent Van Gogh

Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have , so to speak , pawned a part of their narcissism.

Par Sigmund Freud

In my rush, I hadn’t tied my shoelaces. Noah was now tying them for me.

Par Michelle Hodkin

A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.

Par Kurt Vonnegut

We always emerge from the death of a loved one like a phoenix arising from its funeral pyre.

Par Janvier Chouteu-Chando

Whoever she is, and however close we become, my history will never be all twisted up with hers

Par Alyssa B. Sheinmel

Sometimes you can feel old-sweatshirt comfortable with someone you've just met and two-left-shoes awkward with people you've known for ages.

Par Emil Sher

Suddenly, something fluttered down from the nest to rest at Chasmira's feet. She picked it up- A phoenix father.

Par Christine E. Schulze

I’d like to THANK whoever saw a

Par Comic Strip Mama

Whoever had opened that first Starbucks in Seattle should be shot.

Par Virna DePaul

Take risks. Whoever risk, shall know how far they can reach.

Par Lailah Gifty Akita

Even feet can look sexy in a pair of new shoes.

Par Anthony T.Hincks