Buddha lets me see the world in color so that I can appreciate its color.

Par Anthony T.Hincks

dragonflies circled me, the sun knifing off the brilliant blues and yellows of their bodies.

Par Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich

The river asked me who I was to be gazing so longingly into her curving body of cascading dreams and shifting beauty.

Par Todd Crawshaw

Everywhere I go,

Par Kamand Kojouri

Within every beast there's always some beauty!

Par Perdita Finn

Beauty is fleeting. But the woman who fear God is blissful.

Par Lailah Gifty Akita

The beauty of a bright new day!

Par Lailah Gifty Akita

A hundred lifetimes wouldn't suffice to see all the beauty in one acre of land.

Par Marty Rubin

...women's bodies are "inferiorised, stigmatized . . . within an overarching patriarchal ideology.

Par Sheila Jeffreys

Beauty is charm.

Par Lailah Gifty Akita

All this under a magnificent blue sky.

Par Elie Wiesel

We are given this beautiful life, this beautiful world, and we destroy it with ingratitude and hate.

Par Marty Rubin

This moment is all there is and LOVE is like the glue that keeps you in it.

Par Reuben Berger

Tie love and loyalty around your neck.

Par Lailah Gifty Akita

Look with open eyes and you will see the beauty of the waterfall.

Par Anthony T.HIncks