Aphrodite is about love and beauty.

Par Rick Riordan

The Prophet Muhammad said: Innallaha jamiil wahuwa yuhibbul jamal. Verily God is beautiful and loves beauty. -33

Par Ahmad Fuadi

It's a rare man who can guard against beauty.

Par Anthony Ryan

I count my blessings as follows:

Par Anthony T.Hincks

She reached for the notebook she kept in her purse. Bea found the page and read to calm and steady herself.

Par Sadeqa Johnson

Inner beauty, warm-heartedness and compassion, is what brings about peace of mind.

Par Auliq-Ice

Pink colors my world red!

Par Anthony T.Hincks

The beauty of this world is fading all too fast through the cruelty and thoughtlessness of men.

Par Julie C. Dao

Walking there, she said: Look, it seems like some one has kept each stone with measured precision at its place. Yes, she was right.

Par Mahrukh

Everything is beautiful in its own way, ma belle, even if you have to look hard to find it.

Par Cameron Dokey

Beauty has its own ways.

Par Mahrukh

The essence is HIS presence.

Par Mahrukh

Nature plays its role to strengthen the connection.

Par Mahrukh

HE wants you to feel HIM in any possible way you can, but you lazy bird, come on, make a step and you will feel all you got to feel.

Par Mahrukh

It takes my breath away!" that's all that I can say.

Par Anthony T.Hincks