Cultivate only the habits that you are willing should master you.

Par Elbert Hubbard

I guess we always find excuses to keep on with our bad habits, don't we?

Par Stephen King

There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision.

Par William James

If you continue to dig the same hole in the same place in your life, eventually you will be standing in a grave.

Par Shannon L. Alder

Life has a way of taking its toll on the person you thought you were.

Par A.S.A. Harrison

Change might not be fast and it isn't always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.

Par Charles Duhigg

Better spend time working hard to maintain your good habits because you may look for time to recover it but to no avail!

Par Israelmore Ayivor

Bad habits are like having a sumo wrestler in the back of your canoe rowing the opposite direction.

Par J Loren Norris

Good tradecraft keeps espionage routine and boring.

Par Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius

Excessive self-criticism is a bad habit and extraordinarily self-destructive. Don't be your own worst enemy!

Par Bryant McGill

Habits of the mind also provide our mental framework – the way we see the world

Par Gyalwa Dokhampa

Your greatest moments of challenge are a call to defy your timid habits of safety and rush out into life.

Par Bryant McGill

Thoughts close more doors then they open. This causes limitation.

Par Charles F. Glassman

Habits are good if you have the habit of the best.

Par Amit Kalantri

Virtue is what happens when habitual choices have been wise.

Par N.T. Wright