What is life without love?

بواسطة Lailah Gifty Akita

Marriage is mutual faithful friendship.

بواسطة Lailah Gifty Akita

Marriage is a mutual faithful friendship

بواسطة Lailah Gifty Akita

Marriage is a shared sacred life.

بواسطة Lailah Gifty Akita

Benazir Bhutto doesn't cease to exist the moment she gets married. I am not giving myself away. I belong to myself and I always shall.

بواسطة Benazir Bhutto

Such a mad marriage never was before.

بواسطة William Shakespeare

If God is going to write your loves story, He's going to first need your pen.

بواسطة Eric Ludy

Life was rich with possibility, or life was possibly rich...She felt incandescent with the news.

بواسطة Lauren Groff

I knew that my husband was a song that I had forgotten the words to and I was a fuzzy photograph of someone he used to love.

بواسطة Catherine Lacey

We live in a society where every business has a huge scope.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

The most important subject in the curriculum in the future years will be how to love ourselves and be content.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

There's a story behind every

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

Its not your fault for not being there.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

Tenderhearted people are silent sufferers they just learn the art to fly with broken wings.

بواسطة Abhishek Shukla

I accept you as you are, and I will always hold you close in my heart. I will walk beside you forever.

بواسطة Sherrilyn Kenyon